Hagit, who is in her 30s, is married, has two children, and lives in Hadera

She participated in the ‘Mifne’ [‘Turning Point’] program

When Hagit lost her first husband, she had one young child and had just learned she was pregnant with her second. She entered the Mifne program in a state of personal and financial crisis, lacking any academic background or professional experience. With the help of Mifne she was able to complete her high school matriculation exams. She then received a scholarship and went to law school. Today Hagit practices law, and always remembers the wise words of her Mifne counselor: “Everyone has both a good devil and a bad one inside them, but there’s also a third devil: the stubborn one who never gives up. And that’s you.”

The Mifne program includes both group workshops and individual coaching, and acts as a launch-pad for participants who go on to make profound personal and professional life changes.

For more success stories.