Maha is married. She has four children and lives in Bu’eine Nujeidat

She participated in Eshet Chayil

Maha came to the program with a strong desire to change her life. While maintaining her job at a printing factory, she began studying photography and graphic design. With Arabic as her mother tongue, we helped her polish her Hebrew and take computer classes. We also facilitated a grant to purchase a printer so she could begin working from home. Today, Maha is the owner of a successful photography and graphic design business – all thanks to Eshet Chayil.

“At first my husband didn’t want me to work, but once he saw how successful I was and he loved what I was doing, he told me he was proud of me. The Eshet Chayil counselor guided me through every decision. My work empowers me both within my family and in the village. People consult me and look to me to learn from my success.”

Eshet Chayil gives mothers from traditional communities the tools to advance in the workforce and to overcome cultural and societal barriers.

For more success stories.