Eshet Chayil allows women from traditional communities to overcome cultural and societal barriers and advance within the modern workforce.

Eshet Chayil is offered to numerous Israeli women in traditional communities (including Israel’s Arab and Ethiopian communities) who are unemployed or underemployed and typically have only a basic education. We offer them long-term individual and group mentoring, and equip them with the skills and know-how required to successfully integrate and advance in the modern workforce.

The program was launched in 2013 and has since mentored over 7,000 women in around 59 communities throughout Israel. We serve an average of 3,200 women annually. Over 50 percent of graduates find employment, and over 40 percent of employed participants are promoted.

“They believed in me and my abilities, and now I have to succeed – for me and for them.” –dental assistant Tallatch Atznafa.

“Thanks to them I know what I’m good at.” – freelance photographer and graphic artist Maha Musa.

“I’ve rediscovered myself.” – certified art guide Taghrid Abu Assi.